Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Our new logo

What's in name?  What's in a logo?  Our homeschool logo was made upon the request of yours truly, the homeschool mom.  

The tree with the scroll is a symbol of guided learning in the home.  The tree nurtures and protects as it is growing, while the scroll is a symbol of scholastic pursuits.  That is why it is aligned with the Latin word Cognoscere meaning "to learn" or "to know".  The connected letters V and M stand for our family names which represent the familial heritage of our children.  They are sprouting to symbolize continued growth and intimate relationships.  Familia, the Latin word for 'family' stresses the importance to us of our bond as a family which is among the top reasons why we homeschool.  Lastly, but not the least, Fides, which means "faith" stands in the center, represented by a golden cross, which puts Christ in the center of our family.  It also represents our pursuit of growing our children in faith, love for the Lord, teaching them core Catholic Christian values, and principles... educating them for eternity.

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